
Сфера деятельности:

- юридическое обслуживание

- деятельность в области права


Kinstellar is a leading independent law firm in Emerging Europe, Turkey and Central Asia, with offices in Almaty, Belgrade, Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, Istanbul, Prague and Sofia. 

The Almaty office provides a wide range of legal services and is particularly strong in banking and finance, capital markets, and corporate/M&A transactions in a variety of sectors such as oil and gas, mining, banking and financial institutions, infrastructure and telecommunications.

We’ve created an outstanding team of highly professional lawyers and enthusiastic, talented business services specialists who are given an opportunity to develop professionally and personally. 

We believe that human resources is the key factor of our success and we do our utmost searching the best individuals to contribute to it.

Компанияның рейтенгі:
Сайт: www.kinstellar.com
Қызмет саласы:
Қызмет көрсету: Қаржы: банктер, сақтандыру
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