Международная компания «FranklinCovey» - глобальный лидер в области реализации стратегии, проведения тренингов по качественному повышению мотивации и эффективности, разработки и применения инструментов, направленных на получение результатов, услуг по оценке организаций и персонала. Более подробно на сайте www.franklincovey.kz.
Компания "FranklinCovey" эксклюзивно представлена в Казахстане и Центральной Азии единственным авторизованным представителем ТОО «DOOR Partners Kazakhstan».
Основная деятельность компании заключается в предоставлении клиентам уникального сочетания тренинговых программ мирового класса и консалтинговых услуг.
FranklinCovey (NYSE:FC) is a global leader in effectiveness training, productivity tools, strategy execution, and assessment services for organizations and individuals.
FranklinCovey helps companies succeed by unleashing the power of their work forces to focus and execute on top business priorities.
Clients include 90 percent of the Fortune 100, more than 75 percent of the Fortune 500, and thousands of small and mid-sized businesses, as well as numerous government entities and educational institutions. Organizations and individuals access FranklinCovey products and services through corporate training and consulting, licensed client facilitators, one-on-one coaching, public workshops, catalogs, retail stores, and www.franklincovey.com.
FranklinCovey has nearly 1,500 associates providing professional services and products in over 140 countries.
The international company "FranklinCovey" is exclusively represented in Kazakhstan and Central Asia by its authorized representative "DOOR Partners Kazakhstan” LLP.
The main focus of “DOOR Partners Kazakhstan” is to provide clients with a unique blend of world-class quality business-training and consulting services.