Филиал «TOTAL E & P KAZAKHSTAN” в Республике Казахстан 

Total E&P Kazakhstan began operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1993. More than fifteen years ago, TOTAL, as partner of the first International Consortium, actively participated in the world’s largest seismic and geophysical survey, in the northern sector of the Caspian Sea. This large scale survey gave rise to the discovery of the giant Kashagan oilfield in 2000.

Today TOTAL E&P Kazakhstan holds a 16.81% share in the North Caspian Sea Product Sharing Agreement (NCS PSA), which includes the Kashagan oilfield and other discoveries under appraisal. In January 2009, TOTAL E&P Kazakhstan stepped up its involvement in the project by taking a major role in the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC), the new Operator of the NCS PSA, contributing its extensive expertise in complex exploration and production challenges worldwide.

Компанияның рейтенгі:
Сайт: www.total.com
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