Филиал компанииСафар Ойлфилд Сервисиз

"Филиал компании Сафар Ойлфилд Сервисиз". Торговля нефтяными оборудованиями. 

With over 30 years of experience in the oilfield services industry, Safar is a leading product and equipment distributor for a vast array of customers throughout the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. With offices in Iraq, UAE, and Kazakhstan, Safar is strategically located to provide customers with innovative technology, industry expertise, and dynamic project and product solutions. Safar offers a comprehensive line of world renowned brands for products, such as oilfield tools, drilling industry supplies, environmental safety products, and additional specialized procurement services. With a presence in Kazakhstan since 2002 Safar has established a strong position in the market and long term relationships with customers.

Компанияның рейтенгі:
Сайт: www.safaroil.com
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Өндірушілер мен жеткізушілер: Мұнай-газ кешені
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